七年级英语Our animal friends教案

来源:作文周刊网 时间:2020-09-16 09:27:53

  Module 4 Relationships

 Unit 2 Our animal friends


 people baby house Lion/ bear cub cave cat kitten basket pig piglet pigsty bird birdie nest dog puppy kennel

 觉得不错,把生词一下子解决了,puppy\kennel\kitten; 引出了look after/ a vet/ a clinic; 引出了piglet和booklet…

 还觉得问了两个很不错的问题呢。----Which animal would you like to be a pet? (答:I prefer…); ---- People like to have dogs as pets. There are many colours of dogs. Which one would you like? (答:I prefer the … one).

 任务后活动:Groupwork1----分别扮演Kitty/Ben/ Mr. Li/ Mrs.Li----Role-play Sam’s story Groupwork2---- Talk about pets



 2.讲了一个南京虐杀狗事件,成功把kennel,puppy,SPCA,inspector及look after放入去,孩子们听说的津津有味

 第二课时:翻到过去这一节课,乏善可陈,故重起炉灶,设计了English definition:1. dog’s house:

 2. look after

 3. a small book

 4. a baby dog

 5. be not kind to sb.

 6. die in the water

 7. collect money

 8. baby cats

 9. a hospital for animals

 10. a special doctor for animals

 11. lower in rank

 12. animals that are ill

 13. people working for the SPCA

 14. run and catch wild animals

 15. people who can’t see

 16. look after by watching


 课上还有记忆比赛,瞬间记住了the meaning of the SPCA,全班熙熙然、轰轰然、嗷嗷然,不亦乐乎?


 重新备课,将本课分为两大部分,ancient times和modern times。

 Ancient times:重在练过去式,板书lived,guarded,kept,helped和ate,学生每一个词说一句话,很快将课文的重点列好了,而且是学生自己弄出来的,不亦快哉!

 Modern times:抓住几种职业,farmers/ policemen/ blind people以及us,问了一个大问题:What do dogs help … to do? 学生比书中说的多得多了!catch robbers,find lost people, guard our homes, cross the road, bring animals to the farmer等均出自学生之口,列于黑板上,一节课上完还多出15分钟,处理了Workbook以及Grammar Practice上的题目,上的很舒服!学得很轻松!时间少而且效率高,不亦快哉!

 不过,反思一下,还是有不足焉:虽有意识进行超文本训练,但未能完全跳出课本范围,为什么不带一下San Bernard dogs? 为什么不下载一点猛犬护主的文本或者短片,以丰富课堂呢?