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班 级:六二班

时 间: 六年级暑假学习计划 2011年7月2日



1 、制订一份科学、合理的暑假计划张贴在房间。









10、 学会一项家务技术或其他的小技术...


姓名: 家长签字: 教师签字:

智合教育五年级升六年级期末水平检测 语 文 试 卷

(卷面总分:100分 考试时间:100分钟)


jì mòshēng xiù zhé xué bō lǎn jiū zhùsì yǎng ( )( )() () ( )( ) jīn bì huī huángdiào bīng qiǎn jiànglián miān bú duàn ( )() ( ) 二、请划出划线字的正确读音(在正确的读下画“√”)音。(8分)

似的 (shì sì) 兴奋 (xìng xīng) 倔强 (jiàng qiáng) 矿藏 (cángzàng) 弹性 (tán dàn) 悄然无声 (qiāo qiǎo) 载歌载舞 (zǎi zài) 曲意逢迎 (qūqǔ) 三、成语练习。(12分) 1、把下列词语补充完整。

冰( )雪( )夜( )继( ) 魂( )梦( ) 人( )马( ) 2、把下列两组中意思相近或相反的词连起来 兴高采烈 自暴自弃 不求甚解 顶天立地 叱咤风云寻根究底 不甘示弱 欢天喜地 四、按要求,写句子(5分)




你答应和小红一起看电影。 你应该按时和她去影院。

五、请你给下面顺序错乱的句子标上正确的序号。(序号写在括号里)(5分) ()它的外表涂着一层坚硬的强化陶瓷,挺漂亮,像一只电炉。

()可是,当你把一只特制的铝锅放上去以后,须臾间锅里的水直冒热气。 ()目前,商场里有一种无火烹调器。


()有趣的是,刀叉、调羹等小东西放上去却不会发热,人在旁边也不会感到热。 六、阅读短文。(16分)

大地回春了,河流揉揉它那沉睡的眼睛,叮叮咚咚欢乐地流着,树木、野草又获得了新的生命,开始吐出它那嫩绿的幼芽,散发出芬芳扑鼻的清香。燕子怀着愉快的心情从南方回来了,自由自在地在碧蓝的天空中飞翔。这时,春雨也伴随着春风来到了人间。这是第一场春雨。我打开窗子,向远处望。雨丝细细的,像花针一样,又好像无数断了线的珍珠从天而降,断断续续的直插到地里,将祖国的山河绣得更加美丽。远处的房屋、树木在茫茫的雨帘中,似轻烟笼罩;近处的青枝、绿叶,青翠欲滴;小草贪婪地吮吸着“贵如油”的春雨。你看吧,杏花开得一片片白,桃花一得像一片片绯红的云;小树苗的枝头上吐出一串串绿珠子般的小芽,小芽上顶着一颗颗透明的雨珠,亮晶晶的……这是一幅多么美丽的春雨图啊! 1、照样子,写词语。(各写两个 4分)

亮晶晶: 断断续续: 2、找出文中描写颜色的词语,写在下面,再写2个这样的词。(3分) (文中的词): (你的词):



5、给这篇文章加一个标题?(1分) 6、默写杜甫的著名诗歌《春夜喜雨》。4分)


父母的爱是深深的井,儿女这浅浅的桶,怎能测出这井的深度?请你用《 爸爸/妈妈 ,我想对您说》为题,写一段话,要做到语句通顺,叙述有一定的条理,字数在400字以上。




























音标能力测试:找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词(每格1分,共10分) 1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )7. ( )8. ( ) 9. ( )10. ( ) 音标能力测试:请标出四个选项中划线部分读音与所给读音相同的词来(每题2分,共10分) 11. ( ) /z/12. ( ) /u:/ 13. ( ) /ai/ 14. ( ) /e/15. ( ) /id/ 一、根据所给的例词写出两个同类的单词(10分) 例:spring summer fall

monkey ________ _________ Oct. _________ _________

swing _______ _________ uncle __________ __________3rd _______ ________ 二、找出不同类的单词(10分)

()1.A . spring B . season C. summer D. fall ()2.A. whatB. whenC. week D. where ()3.A. hot B. cold C. weather D. warm ()4.A. eat B. teacherC. music D. English ()5.A. elephant B. monkey C. eleven D. tiger 三、选择填空(10分)

() 1._____is Sarah? She is in the car.

A. What B. Where C. That D. How

() 2. The elephants often ________ water with ________ trunks .

A drinking … it's B drinking … their C drink … their D. drinks…their () 3.They are _______the insects carefully .

A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched () 4.A rabbit is ______on the grass(草地)。

A. running B .run C. running D.ran () 5.Can I speak _____Chen Jie, please ?

A. to B. with C. at D. for () 6. It is August the _______ today.

A. twentyB. twentyth C. twentieth D. twentieths () 7.Why do you like summer best ? ______ I can swim in the lake.

A. Because B. So C. And D. Because of () 8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the woods.

A. tomatos butterflies B. tomatoes butterflies C. tomatoes butterflysD. tomatoes butterfliy () 9. I have some beans. _________ you?

A. What about B. How are C. Why do D. How about

() 10. Thank you _____telling me about your day .

A. at B. to C. for D./ 四、选词填空.(16分)

in are an own is on

1. I have my room now.

2. my room I have air-conditioner. 3.this your room ?

4. There many books the shelf. 5. The trash bin is 6. There is a mirror 五、根据要求完成句子(12分)

1. It’s 对划线部分提问is it today? 2. There is a river in the park. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) ? , There .

3. cookcanImealsthe (连词成句) . 4.is bedroom thisyour (连词成句)? 5. Are there some ( ) pandas in the mountains? (句中some语法错误,在括号里修改正确) 六. 句型转换:(10分)

1. My sister had breakfast yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句) ___________ your sister ___________ breakfast yesterday morning?

2. She is a beautiful girl. (变为感叹句) _________ ___________ beautiful girl she is!

3. He never swims in winter. (反意疑问句)He never swims in winter , ________ ______________? 4. You put a leaf on the paper. (改为祈使句) ______ __________ a leaf on the paper.

(画线提问) __________ ____________ do you go to school by bus?


Last week, the animals had a sports meeting. Elephant Beibei and Ant Lele had the weight lift. Although Lele is smaller and thinner, he lifted much heavier things than his body, so he won (获胜). Next, Rabbit Benben and Tortoise(乌龟)Xiaobai had a race. Benben thought (想)himself would be the winner(获胜者). He laughed at Xiaobai, “Follow me, slower guy?” He ran as fast as he could until (直到) he couldn’t see Xiaobai. “Let me have a rest,” he said to himself and slept under a big tree …

Suddenly he heard the cheers (欢呼声).Xiaobai won the first prize (第一名).Benben couldn’t laugh again. Questions(请直接在题目横线上作答,无需填写答题卡)

1. When did the animals have a sports meeting?

_________________________________________________________________ 2. Why could the ant win?

_________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the rabbit win?

__________________________________________________________________ 4. Why couldn’t Benben win the first prize? 八.请阅读下列两篇文章,并完成1-10题。


It's fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr Green and his family are in the park.. Mr and Mrs Green are standing under the trees and look at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. He's reading a book . Ann's younger brother is too young. He can't walk and run. He's drinking milk. Ann's sister isn't in the park. She is at school.

根据短文内容判断正(T),误(F)。 1、There are five people in Ann's family. 2、Ann is a girl.

3、Ann's sister is a student.

4、Ann's brother is flying a kite. 5、Ann has two brothers.

(B) Dear Jim,

Thanks for your letter. I’m writing to show you a picture of my friends.

This is a photo of my class in Grade 7 (Mr. Black’s class). The girl in the black skirt is Bonnie. She’s thirteen. She is very nice. She’s a good singer. She is in our school music club.

The boy wearing(穿着) black pants is Andy. He’s great! He’s good at playing soccer ball. He’s on the school team. He plays soccer every Sunday afternoon.

The girl with a white hat is Dee. She’s my good friend. She’s a very good actress. She thinks it’s exciting to be an actress. She also likes soccer very much.

The boy in the yellow shirt is Carl. He’s nice. He likes playing chess very much. He wants to join the chess club. And he’s good at dancing, too.

Who’s the girl with glasses(眼镜)? Oh, her name’s Nora Norton. She’s my best friend. She’s 14 years old. She lives at 15 Franklyn Road in Chesterton. Her phone number is 387-987. Her hobbies are playing tennis and swimming. She’s free on Saturdays and Sundays. She wants to join the swimming club. Can you write and tell me something about your school? Hey

( ) 6. Who writes this letter?A. Jim. B. Hey. C. Nora Norton. D. Andy. ( ) 7. Mr. Black is Hey’s ______.

A. teacher B. fatherC. friend D. classmate ( ) 8. Bonnie can ______ very well.

A. play soccer B. swim C. play chessD. sing ( ) 9. Carl is wearing ______.

A. a black skirtB. a white hat C. a yellow shirtD. glasses ( ) 10. Nora Norton is free on ______.

A. Monday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Sunday

九、书面表达:假如你叫Zhen Hui,请根据下表内容给你的英国朋友Jimmy发一封电子邮件介绍你的情况(10分)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

答题卡(姓名:_______ 成绩:________)



1. __________ __________2. __________ __________3. __________ __________ 4. __________ __________5. __________ __________ 二、找出不同类的单词



1. __________ 2. __________ __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ 五、按要求改写句子

1. ______________________________ 2. ____________________ ____________________

3. ____________________________4. ____________________________5. ____________________________ 六、略(见上) 七、作文

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




得分:_____ 姓名:_______





)( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. I get up _____ 7:00 _____ the morning.

A. at, atB. in, inC. at, in

( ) 2. --- When do you play sports?--- ____________

A. Yes, I do. B. I like playing football.C. At 2:00.

( ) 3. --- ______ do you like best?--- I like summer best.

A. Why B. Which season C. When

( ) 4. Today is my ________ birthday.

A. sister’s B. sister C. sisters

( ) 5. ---What time is it? --- _____________

A. It’s Monday. B. It’s seven o’clock.C. It’s Jan. 1st.

( ) 6. --- _______________--- I’m doing my homework.

A. What do you do?B. What can you do?

C. What are you doing?

( ) 7. The duck is ________. The rabbit is _________.

A. swimming, runing B. swiming, running C. swimming, running

( ) 8. --- ______________--- No, they aren’t.

A. What are they doing?B. Are they taking pictures?

C. Is he doing his homework?

( ) 9. --- Thank you very much. --- _____________

A. No thanks. B. I’m sorry. C. You’re welcome.

( ) 10. --- Is Sarah writing a report? --- ____________

A. No, she is.B. No, she isn’t. C. No, she not.


1. 2. 3. 4.5.

( ) 1. The monkeys are fighting.

( ) 2. The boys are climbing mountains.

( ) 3. Amy is doing an experiment.

( ) 4. I like winter best.

( ) 5. Mike is drawing pictures.


1. is, in, birthday, February, your, (?)


2. season, your, is, favourite, what, (?)


3. you what do the on do weekend (?)


4. the, is, my, answering, phone, father, (.)



are, the, doing, what, elephants, (?)



Mike: Hello! ______________

Aunt Mary: Hello, Mike. This is Aunt Mary. ______________

Mike: I’m reading a book.

Aunt Mary: Can I speak to your mom, please?

Mike: Sure. ____________ She is cleaning the room. Mom.


Mom: I’m coming. _______________

Mike: Aunt Mary.


Today is Children’s Day. Many children are in the zoo now. They are

very happy. Because there are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are

many monkeys on the monkey mountain. Some monkeys are jumping and

some monkeys are swinging in the tree. Here are three tigers. They are

walking here and there. Two lions are fighting over there. Look! There are

two elephants. A mother elephant and a baby elephant. The mother elephant is drinking water with its trunk. What is the baby elephant doing? Oh. It’s

catching butterflies. How funny!

( ) 1. What’s the date today?

A. It’s Jan. 1st. B. It’s Sept. 10th. C. It’s June 1st.

( ) 2. Are there many animals in the zoo?

A. Yes, there are.B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there aren’t.

( ) 3. What are the lions doing?

A. They are walking. B. They are jumping.

C. They are fighting.

( ) 4. How many tigers are there in the zoo?

A. Two.B. Three. C. There are many tigers.

( ) 5. Is the baby elephant drinking water?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, it is.


参考词汇: get up, eat breakfast, go to school, have English class, play sports, go home, do homework, watch TV, go to bed


_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________



一. 1.breakfast2.sometimes3.fourth4.music5.winter

二. 1.Ioften go hiking with my parents on the weekend.

2.I often play sports at 4:00 with my friend.

3.I can play the piano on the weekend.

4.I often go shopping with my mother on Saturdays.

5.I like spring. I can fly kites.

三. There are four people in my family. My father, my mother, my brother and I.

My father is a teacher. His birthday is in May. My mother is a nurse. Her birthday is in August. My brother is a student. His birthday is in March,March

2nd. I’m a student, too. My birthday is in March, too. It’s March the ninth.


一. 1~5CACCB

二. 1 3 4 2 5

三. 1~5TFFTT


五.1~5CCBAB 6~10CCBCB


七.1.Is your birthday in February?

2.What is your favourite season?

3.What do you do on the weekend?

4.My father is answering the phone.

5.What are the elephants doing?


九. 1~5CACBB

十. 略。


2011年9月1日星期三晴 今天,是我们升入六年级的第一天,来到学校,一切都变了样,小草开始枯萎,大树开始落叶,虽然大自然的生机没有了,但是同学们却成熟了许多。他们不像以前那样疯疯癫癫,似乎已经是个大人了。 我们一起坐在某个地方,欢说着暑假里的趣事。我向他们提起,我在这个暑假里交了许多的好朋友&&最后,我与这几个铁哥们儿来了个深情的拥抱。仕沟小学六年级:钱有东