Our friends electric 英汉

来源:作文周刊网 时间:2020-09-16 09:27:57

  Our friends electric


 Robotics: A new breed of robots is being designed to collaborate with humans, working alongside them to make them more productive


 AS GIANT welding robots go about their business in a modern car factory, the scene looks like a cyberpunk vision of Dante’s “Inferno”. Amid showers of sparks, articulated mechanical arms nearly the size of telephone poles move sections of partially built vehicles so “scarily fast” that anyone who accidentally ends up in the wrong place is as good as dead, says Rodney Brooks, the boss of Rethink Robotics, a robot-maker based in Boston. For this reason, industrial robots operate in cages or behind security fences. But by segregating robots from humans, such safety measures greatly limit the tasks that robots can perform. In car factories, for example, most of the final assembly is done, expensively, by hand.

 在一家现代化的汽车制造工厂,几个大型焊接机器人正在有条不紊地焊接着汽车部件——这样的情景简直就是电子版的但丁“地狱”。Rethink Robotics)的老板,他表示如果人类员工在这样的机器人加工车间站错位置,很容易发生人身事故。正因如此,工业机器人被安全围栏或铁笼圈起来,让它们在限定的工作范围内工作。将机器人和人类员工相互隔离的做法的确能降低生产事故的发生率,但也限制了机器人性能的发挥,例如,在一个汽车制造工厂,很多汽车装备工序都是由人类员工手工完成的,这样的装配方式成本很高。

 Neither workers nor robots can reach their productive potential without interacting more closely, says Volker Grünenwald, head of systems integration at Pilz, a German engineering firm. Eager to design machines that can be used for a wider range of tasks, technologists are now figuring out how to bring robots “out of the cage” so that they can work safely and more productively with people. The aim is to combine the dexterity, flexibility and problem-solving skills of humans with the strength, endurance and precision of robots. The emergence of “co-operative” or “collaborative” robots, as these new machines are called, could also lead to robots that are better able to help out in the office, at school or in the home.


 Last December, in a company first, German carmaker BMW introduced a slow-moving collaborative robot in its factory in Spartanburg, South Carolina, which co-operates with a human worker to insulate and water-seal vehicle doors. The robot spreads out and glues down material that is held in place by the human worker’s more agile fingers. When this is done without the help of a robot, workers must be rotated off this uncomfortable task after just an hour or two to prevent elbow strain. Today four collaborative robots work in the facility, and more are coming, in Spartanburg and elsewhere.


 BMW expects “a big, massive roll-out” of the technology in 2014 in Germany, despite the country’s tighter restrictions on human-robot interaction, says Stefan Bartscher, BMW’s head of innovation. The company plans to design additional tasks for collaborative robots as they are progressively introduced in five carmaking plants. These robots will require different technologies from those found in traditional, non-collaborative robots. Indeed, when it comes to dealing with humans, robots have so few skills that even a seemingly simple task such as handing over an object commonly ends in a tug-of-war, says Elizabeth Croft, a roboticist at the University of British Columbia.

 斯蒂芬·巴茨彻(Stefan Bartscher)是宝马公司创新部队主管,他表示到虽然德国政府对人机互动式机器人的使用有着严格的法规,但宝马公司仍打算到2014年,在宝马的德国工厂大规模使用“协作机器人”技术。鉴于协作机器人在五家制造工厂都表现良好,宝马公司打算为协作机器人增加更多的工作种类。这就意味着宝马公司会把当前常规机器人的各种技术移植到协作机器人的身上。伊丽莎白·克罗夫特博士是不列颠哥伦比亚大学的机器人专家,按照她的观点,要是没有人类员工的参与,机器人会将一份简单的工作,如传递一个工件,做得像扒河比赛那样费劲。

 With funding from GM, America’s biggest carmaker, Dr Croft’s Collaborative Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory is designing robots that can execute “unscripted” handovers to humans. This requires the robot to determine whether a person wants and is authorised to have a particular item—be it a power drill, a document or a cup of tea. The robot must then present the item in the most advantageous orientation for the human, adjusting its grip as the object’s weight shifts. Finally, the robot must let go only when its sensors detect that the object is being purposefully and safely taken away.


 Safety first


 Dangerous industrial machinery is typically shut down the instant a worker “breaks” an infra-red light curtain or opens a door to enter a robot’s cage. But safety systems of this sort have drawbacks. Breaches typically stop an entire production line, alarming employees and causing delays that may cascade throughout the plant. Pilz has developed a multi-camera computer system that monitors the area surrounding robots and adjusts their behaviour accordingly.


 Called SafetyEYE, the system allows a robot to, say, rivet an aircraft wing without sectioning off the entire area from people. Aware of its surroundings, the robot can roll along the length of the wing, slowing its movements if a worker approaches or, if he gets too close, stopping altogether without disrupting activity elsewhere. Since it was launched in 2007, SafetyEYE has allowed robots to be deployed in parts of factories where setting up light curtains or safety cages would be expensive or impractical.


 There are additional ways to avert accidents. Some robots have red emergency-stop buttons. Researchers have even made pressure-sensing “artificial skin” by sandwiching a rubbery silicone made with carbon black, a conductive material, between electrodes. Compressing it with a slap generates an electrical signal that instructs the robot to freeze. For an additional override function, robots could be fitted with microphones and stopped with a shout, says Per Vegard Nerseth, robotics boss at ABB, a Swiss industrial giant based in Zurich which has ramped up development of collaborative robots in the past few years.


 Robots capable of teaming up with people are typically used to perform tasks that are being automated for the first time, so productivity gains are especially high—provided the devices are quick and easy to program. A one-armed robot (pictured above) made by Denmark’s Universal Robots (UR) to “work right alongside employees” can be set up within an hour. Programming usually takes less than ten minutes. The user manually moves the arm and the tool it is holding from the starting point of a task to the end point, tapping a touchscreen “record” button at points along the way. Once the task is named and saved, the robot can be put to work.


 Machine workshops often program collaborative robots to perform tasks for only a brief period. UR’s models can be fastened to a workbench to, say, screw together eyeglass frames to meet a rush order, and then moved to cap and box jars to cover for a worker who is off sick. Traditional robots, by contrast, are typically configured by highly paid, specialist engineers who work on a mock production line, so that the real production line need not be shut down for the weeks or months required for programming. UR sold more than 700 robots last year and expects to sell 1,500 this year, some to clients with just a few employees. Many users say that they recover the investment in a ?20,000 ($27,000) UR robot within six months.


 Programming collaborative robots will become even easier as software improves. Already, some experimental robots can be configured using spoken commands such as “create new skill” and “save pose”. Dr Nerseth of ABB reckons that it will eventually be possible to program robots using speech. And the control files for robots can be posted online for downloading by other users, who can tweak them as needed.


 At the same time, better artificial intelligence is even rendering some programming unnecessary. Rethink Robotics says its two-armed collaborative robot, called Baxter (pictured below), uses common sense to figure out some movements on its own. Factory workers use Baxter’s touchscreen “face” to point out the objects it will handle. Baxter then studies them from all angles to determine if, say, a glass is best grasped by the outside or by inserting and opening its fingers. If a conveyor belt bringing items to be processed slows down, so does Baxter. More than 100 have been sold since the robot went on sale in late 2012.

 同时,人工智能技术的进步甚至让某些编程功能变得毫无必要。再思考机器人公司(Rethink Robotics)表他们制造的名为“巴克斯特”的双臂协作机器人(下图)能使用常识来决定自己下一步要做什么工作。工厂工人只要将“巴克斯特”的触摸屏脸朝向它要处理的物品,“巴克斯特”将从不同的角度对该物品进行研究,例如,“巴克斯特”将对一个玻璃杯进行研究,思考那种是最好的抓取方法——是从外部对其抓握还是从内部摊开手指进行抓握。如果车间的生产传送带输送工件的速度慢了下来,“巴克斯特”的动作也会相应地慢下来。“巴克斯特”从2012年开始在市场上销售,迄今为止已经销售了100台。

 For decades robots have been getting faster, stronger and more precise. The new breed of collaborative robots, by contrast, will move more slowly, lift less and be less precise. And yet this is the breed that will usher in the real robotics revolution, says Dr Brooks of Rethink Robotics, because such qualities will allow robots to team up with people. He points out that it was the advent not of mainframes but of less powerful but more user-friendly PCs that carried computing into the mainstream.

 在过去几十年的时间里,传统机器人变得速度更快,身体更强壮和动作更准确。新型协作型机器人却与之完全不同,它的发展方向是变得速度慢一些,力量变得小一些和动作也不必十分精准。布鲁克博士是再思考机器人公司(Rethink Robotics)的员工,他表示:恰恰就是协作型机器人代表了机器人技术变革的方向,因为协作型机器人能与人类员工协同工作,这是他们特有的技术优势;协作型机器人的发展过程将和电脑的发展过程类似,最终成为电脑市场的主流的是功能并不十分强大但人机界面友好的个人电脑。

 Collaborative robots are developing so quickly that international-standards bodies are having trouble keeping up. The world’s largest compiler of voluntary industrial standards, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) in Geneva, has yet to work out safety standards for collaborative robots, such as how much force a robot can safely apply to different parts of a human worker’s body.


 The ISO needs about two more years before it can publish pain-threshold standards, says Matthias Umbreit, an expert working on the project who also works as an automation specialist at Germany’s BGHM, an insurer of woodworkers and metalworkers. But the signs are encouraging, he says. A hand clamped in a robot’s gripper, for instance, can probably safely bear a pressure of 160 newtons per square centimetre. Fortunately, says Dr Umbreit, many useful tasks can be carried out using less force, so safety standards will not make robots so feeble that they are no longer useful. Johan Wahren of the Swedish Standards Institute notes that establishing standards will speed up R&D.


 Friend or foe?


 No matter how flexible, easy to program and safe they are, collaborative workers may not be welcomed by human workers to begin with. The experience of Alumotion, an Italian distributor of UR’s robots, is illustrative. Workers fear being replaced by robots, says co-owner Fabio Facchinetti, so his salespeople carry demonstration units in unmarked cases and initially only meet a potential client’s senior management behind closed doors.


 But rather than firing workers, Alumotion’s clients often end up adding shifts because production costs drop. RSS Manufacturing in Costa Mesa, California, says its new UR robot is helping the firm compete against Asian makers of brass plumbing fixtures. Geoff Escalette, the firm’s boss, plans to buy more robots because without them some milling machines run at about 60% capacity for lack of a nearby worker able to load objects fast enough. It is worth remembering that people also used to worry that computers would steal jobs, notes Chris Melhuish of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, a joint venture between the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England. Instead, computers helped people become more productive.


 Workers generally warm to collaborative robots quickly. Employees are keen to offload the “mindless, repetitive stuff”, as one roboticist puts it. And because workers themselves do the programming, they tend to regard the robots as subordinate assistants. This is good for morale, says Esben Ostergaard, UR’s technology chief. In late 2012 Mercedes-Benz began equipping workers who assemble gearboxes at a Stuttgart plant with lightweight “third hand” robots initially designed for use in space by the German Aerospace Centre. The German carmaker’s parent company, Daimler, is expanding the initiative, which it describes as “robot farming” because workers shepherd the robots “just like a farmer tending sheep”.


 Don’t frighten the humans


 To keep human workers at ease, collaborative robots should also have an appropriate size and appearance. Takayuki Kanda of the ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories in Kyoto says that collaborative, humanoid robots should generally be no larger than a six-year-old, a size most adults reckon they could overpower if necessary. Large eyes make robots seem friendlier and, crucially, more aware of their surroundings. But overly humanoid features can lead to problematically unrealistic expectations, says Ulrich Reiser of Fraunhofer IPA, a manufacturing research institute in Stuttgart that makes a ?250,000 home-assistant robot called Care-O-bot. He notes that people tend to distrust robots with protruding sensors, “Terminator”-like exposed cables, or a jerry-rigged, student-project look.

 为了让人类员工能安心工作,协作机器人应当具备合适的尺寸和外观。神田崇行是日本京都智能机器人和通讯实验室的人机互动研究室主任,他认为人形协作机器人的外形尺寸不能超过一个六岁儿童的身高,让成年员工认为在必要时他能制服协作机器人。为机器人配置大眼睛,不仅能让机器人看起来更友好,也能让机器人更好地了解他们的周围状况。德国福阮佛菲制造工程和自动化研究所(Fraunhofer IPA)的研究员乌利奇·瑞思尔却表示机器人过于类人化会导致意想不到的麻烦,人们会对有着凸出感应器、机体线路外露,外形像“终结者”的机器人抱有戒备心理。值得注意的是,福阮佛菲制造工程和自动化研究所是一家生产型的研究机构,该机构制造了一个价值25万欧元的家庭助理机器人“科尔·欧·波特”。

 Care-O-bot tries not to look scary


 To interact smoothly with people, robots will also need “social intelligence”. It turns out, for example, that people are more trusting of robots that use metaphors rather than abstract language, says Bilge Mutlu, the head of the robotics laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has found that robots are more persuasive when they refer to the opinions of humans and limit pauses to about a third of a second to avoid appearing confused. Robots’ gazes must also be carefully programmed lest a stare make someone uncomfortable. Timing eye contact for “intimacy regulation” is tricky, Dr Mutlu says, in part because gazes are also used in dialogue to seize and yield the floor.

 为了让机器人能更好地与人类互动,机器人应当具备基本的“社交智能”。人们如果十分相信机器人的时候,他们将使用一些隐喻词汇而不是抽象词汇,毕利吉·穆特鲁(Bilge Mutlu)如此说道。毕利吉·穆特鲁博士(Bilge Mutlu)是美国威斯康星大学机器人实验室的主任,他发现机器人能很容易接受人类语音指令,当人们向他们发出指令时,他们只需停顿三分之一秒,就能理解人类的需求。此外,控制机器人的眼睛移动的程序也要进行细致编写,要不然,机器人凝视的目光会让人感到不舒服。毕利吉·穆特鲁博士表示:为人和机器人的眼神接触设定时间,是所谓的人-机“亲密接触”规则难题之一,如果机器人在谈话时眼睛只盯着地板看,这也让人感觉不礼貌。

 When a person enters a room, robots inside should pause for a moment and acknowledge the newcomer, a sign of deference that puts people at ease, says the University of British Columbia’s Dr Croft. Robots also appear friendlier when their gaze follows a person’s moving hands, says Maya Cakmak of Willow Garage, the California-based maker of the PR2, a $400,000 robot skilled enough to make an omelette—albeit slowly.

 克罗夫特博士是不列颠哥伦比亚大学的员工,他认为当某人进入房间时,房间内的机器人应当了稍微停顿一下,随即马上就能将其认出来,这能让人对机器人感到亲切。同样地,柳树车库公司(Willow Garage)的员工马雅·咔咔玛表示:当机器人对人类移动的双手进行注视时,也应当表现得有礼貌。要知道,位于加利福尼亚州的柳树车库公司制造出了价值40万美元的PR2机器人,该机器人能制作精致的煎蛋卷,虽然速度不怎么快。

 It will probably be a decade or two at least before the descendants of PR2, Care-O-bot, and other “home assistance” or “companion” robots will be nimble and intelligent enough to zip autonomously through houses performing chores. They will need far better sensors, movement-control actuators and batteries, and much smarter software. They must also be capable of displaying empathy or they will be rejected, says Kerstin Dautenhahn, head of a “social robotics” team at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain.


 Her team’s Care-O-bot robots crunch data from 60-odd household sensors that monitor door and cupboard hinges, taps, electrical appliances and so forth. If medicine isn’t taken, say, the robot may alert relatives or the hospital. It is vital that a robot of this sort is not perceived as hostile, but as having its owner’s best interests at heart.


 One way to do this is to give robots a defining human trait—the ability to make mistakes. Maha Salem, a researcher under Dr Dautenhahn, programmed a humanoid Asimo robot, made by Honda, to make occasional harmless mistakes such as pointing to one drawer while talking about another. When it comes to household robots, test subjects prefer those that err over infallible ones, Dr Salem says.


 Another approach uses sensors to assess the state of nearby humans, so that robots can respond appropriately. With funding from the European Union, researchers are using bracelets equipped with electrodes to enable classroom robots to determine whether students are bored, confused or anxious. The robots can adapt their teaching style accordingly, says Iolanda Leite of the Instituto Superior Técnico, a Portuguese university participating in the programme, which is called EMOTE. One of its objectives is to foster “social bonding” between people and robots.


 Such bonding could have some surprising uses. In experiments carried out at Yale University involving a biped humanoid called NAO, made by a French firm called Aldebaran Robotics, children proved to be just as willing to share secrets with it as they were with an adult. The researcher who performed the experiments, Cindy Bethel, who is now at Mississippi State University in Starkville, has also found that children who have witnessed a crime are less likely to be misled in a forensic interview with a robot than with a human expert—even one trained to obtain testimony. Mark Ballard of the Starkville police department, who has been working with Dr Bethel, reckons that the robots needed to conduct “child friendly” forensic interviews will be available by 2020.


 What’s next? Market research is not much good at predicting developments in the field of collaborative robots, says Bruno Bonnell of Robolution Capital, a robotics investment fund in France. For one thing, he says, people say they want complete control over robots, but once they start using them they actually prefer them to be as autonomous as possible. Working alongside robots changes the way people think about them, in other words. Whether on the factory floor, at home or in the classroom, the evolving relationship between human robots will be defined by a process of collaboration.

