六年级下册英语教案:Unit5 A party Sound time |译林版(三起) (2)

来源:作文周刊网 时间:2020-07-29 09:14:24

 Unit 5 Enjoy the party


 Culture time & Cartoon Time



 1. 学生能理解Culture time的内容,了解中西方礼仪的不同。

 2. 学生能理解Cartoon time的内容,会复述和表演卡通,体会卡通带来的乐趣。

 3. 学生能用一般将来时进行聚会的问答。

 4. 学生能根据所学内容,动手制作invitation.






 1. 学生能理解Culture time的内容,了解中西方礼仪的不同。

 2. 学生能理解Cartoon time的内容,会复述和表演卡通,体会卡通带来的乐趣。

 3. 学生能用一般将来时进行聚会的问答。

 4. 学生能根据所学内容,动手制作invitation.

 四、教具准备:PPT 视频


 Step 1 Enjoy two songs

 T: Spring is the most beautiful season. We can do a lot of things in spring. For example, we can go to the park. We can fly kites. We can have a party with our friends. Today, let’s enjoy the party.


 Step 2 Children’s Day party

 T: We know, Mike is going to have a party on Children’s Day. Let’s talk about the party.


 Step 3 Class party

 1. T: The children have a lot of fun at the party. Look ,here’s Mike’s another party. Look at this note. Is it about Children’s Day party?

 S: No, it isn’t.

 T: What party is it ?

 S: It’s Class party.

 T: This is a Class party. Do you want to know something about this party? You can ask me some questions.


 板书:When is the party going to have?

 Where is the party going to have?

 Who is going to the party?

 What is … going to do at the party?

 2. T:So many questions. Let’s read and answer.


 T: Now, I think you can answer Mike’s questions.


 3. T: Mike is excited about the party. He is going to write an email to Nancy. Please help him finish this email.


 Step 4 Culture time


 1. T: We know, to make the party well, everyone should do something for the party. Do you know, when you go to a Western party, what should you do? Here, I have some information for you . Please talk about with your partner.

 2. T: Let’s learn some new words .

 Teach: gift present

  arrive get to



 3. T: Maybe. Now let’s learn and know.


 4. Check out the answers.

 5. T: Now, let’s know more about the Western party. When you go to the Western party, you should take some gifts, such as some wine or flowers; you can have the food after the hostess; you should praise the food after eating.

 Step 5 Cartoon time

 1. T: We always have a lot of fun at the party. The children all like the party, so do our animal friends. (出示卡通插图,播放第一句录音,学生跟读)

  2. T: They are going to have a party too. What are they going to do at the party? Let’s watch and match.


  Teach: put on play

  A: 上演,表演 A:(动) 玩

  B: 穿上 B:(名) 戏剧

 学生反馈时,引导学生说xx is going to …

 3. T: Now we know, Billy is going to play the piano. Willy is going to tell a story. Sam and Bobby are going to put on a play “The king’s new clothes”.(教师相机板书)

 板书:Billy is going to play the piano.

 Willy is going to tell a story.

 Sam and Bobby are going to put on a play.

 4. T: Who’s the king in the play? Is he happy to be the king? Read the cartoon and answer.


 问题1:Bobby is the king in the play.


 (1)S: Yes, he is.

  T: How do you know?

  S: Bobby says, “ Sure! I’m going to be the king.”(出示图3,跟读句子)

  T: Bobby thinks the king is very cool! Any different ideas?

 (2)S: No, he isn’t.

  T: Why do you think so?

  S: Because Bobby is sad at last.(出示图4)

  T: Yes, at first, Bobby is happy to be the king. But at last, he is not happy. Bobby finds the king can’t wear any clothes, he is cheated by the play, he is foolish! “Think more, less jokes!”

 5. Reading time


 6. T: Now we know Bobby’s party well. Try to say in two.

 (请两组学生说Bobby’s Class party)

 Step 6 Make an invitation

 1. T: The party is fun. The party is exciting. Mike and Bobby are both going to have the Class party. Are we going to have our Class party?

 S: Sure.

 T: What are we going to do for our Class party? I think, first, we are going to make a note. Next ?

 2. 引导学生说出步骤:

 Next, we are going to write the time.

 Then, we are going to write the place.

 Then, we are going to write our friends and what should he/she do.

  T: Finally, I think we can write “Welcome to the party!” on the note. Look, this is my invitation about the Class party. Now, it’s your turn. Please make the invitation in four and then show it.


 Class party

 Class party

 Time: 1st April (Saturday)

 Miss Que: balloons

 Hua Ziyan: snacks

 Hu Jiaqi: drinks

 Yue Shajun: toys

 Xu Jing: think of some games

 Place: Class 2, Grade 6

 3. Ss show the invitations.(根据时间,请两到三个学生展示)

 Step 7 Homework

 1. Discuss your invitation.

 2. Read “Cartoon time” and try to retell the story.


 Unit 5 Enjoy the party

 When is the party going to have?

 Where is the party going to have? Billy is going to play the piano.

 Who is going to the party? Willy is going to tell a story.

 What is … going to do at the party? Sam and Bobby are going to put on a play.
